Access Management
Comfortable Access Control
The supplier has to be able to access the sliding
gate at night, the cleaner comes on Mondays and
Thursdays between 6.00 a.m. and 8.00 a.m., the
accountant does not have free access to the laboratory,
the lab assistant have access to the accounts
department and the head of the company is
able to access all parts of the offi ce at any time ...
There's no way around an electronic locking system
when access has to be regulated for a number
of people at different times and/or in different
areas. If you want the maximum in security, comfort
and effi ciency, then choose a MIDITEC system.
Our benefits
Access Control with MTZ-Access
Access Permission, Security Functions, Card blocking, Recording
Who has access where and at what time can be easily determined with the access control system and it’s time zones and weekly programs. With days or groups that you can block individually it is possible to stop the access for a special group to a special area. The authentication process of the access control system is expressed by means of cards, PIN codes and biometry.
Intelligent Security Functions
Maximum Security is guaranteed with the intelligent safety functions such as range change control, four eyes principle and double access refusal. With constant monitoring of the hardware and the logging of all events, malfunction can be identified immediately.
The MTZ® Smart Access Presence Panel is the new HTML Frontend to MTZ® Access and displays the current status of employees. It is displayed in real time which employee is currently present. The presence is determined via the areas or area groups defined in MTZ® Access.
MTZ® Smart Access focuses on simple operation - Usable, for example via PC, smartphones and tablets.
Online journals and access overviews create an overall view of the current and past access bookings. The use of an area counter for the access control allows you to see how many persons are in which area and how many are in the whole building. Furthermore it is possible to see the chronicle where all past movements are shown.
Access authorizations can be reversed with the card blocking system at any time without the need to replace the whole locking systems.